Crafting recovery and optimal employee functioning in the future of work and nonwork

20. March 2024
Join us on 15 May, 2024 for an inspiring public lecture and discussion with Dr. Miika Kujanpääl, University of South-Eastern Norway, on "Crafting recovery and optimal employee functioning in the future of work and nonwork".
15 May 2024
Crafting recovery and optimal employee functioning in the future of work and nonwork
Dr. Miika Kujanpää
Postdoctoral researcher at the School of Business / University of South-Eastern Norway
Chaired by Dr. Philipp Kerksieck, Public and Organizational Health / Center of Salutogenesis, Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Prevention Institute, University of Zurich
DSI Event room SOC-E-010
Rämistrasse 69, Zurich
15 May, 2024 / 4.00 to 6.30 pm
Entrance free of charge
The changing world of work presents multiple challenges and opportunities for employees, deeply affecting not only their work but also nonwork roles. As particularly knowledge work often faces intensifying demands and is available to be done from anywhere, employees in these occupations may increasingly need to self-manage their recovery time in order to recover from stress and ensure well-being in the future of work. In his talk, Dr. Miika Kujanpää focuses on employees’ proactive shaping of their recovery, presenting results from several recent studies that highlight how employees use such crafting efforts to benefit their optimal functioning in the work and nonwork domains.
Dr. Miika Kujanpää is a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Business / University of South-Eastern Norway. His research integrates perspectives from work psychology and leisure sciences to examine employees’ crafting efforts, recovery, motivation, and need satisfaction on and off the job. He is currently leading a work package in a large research project on work motivation funded by the Research Council of Norway.