Examining how interactions with leaders and coworkers via different communication channels relate to employee inclusion: A daily diary perspective

15. February 2024
Join us on 13 March, 2024 for an inspiring public lecture and discussion with Wieke Knol, Radboud University, on "Examining how interactions with leaders and coworkers via different communication channels relate to employee inclusion: A daily diary perspective".
13 March 2024
Examining how interactions with leaders and coworkers via different communication channels relate to employee inclusion: A daily diary perspective
Wieke Knol
PhD student at Radboud University, Behavioural Science Institute
Chaired by Prof. Dr. Lauren Howe, Assistant Professor in Management and Head of Research, UZH Center for Leadership in the Future of Work, University of Zurich
DSI Event room SOC-E-010
Rämistrasse 69, Zurich
13 March, 2024 / 4.00 to 6.30 pm
Entrance free of charge
Nowadays, many employees work partially remotely (e.g., from home) and combine this with traditional on-site working. This combination is referred to as hybrid working. Hybrid working obviously has some advantages, such as reduced commuting times. However, a downside of hybrid working is that it seems to pose a threat to employees’ feelings of inclusion. Leadership could be expected to positively affect employees’ feelings of inclusion, and might thus tackle this challenging aspect of hybrid working. Therefore, in this project, the relationship between leadership and employees’ inclusion within the hybrid work context is examined. Throughout Knol’s PhD project, the focus lies not on leadership styles, but rather on smaller-scale leader behaviors or leader communication. Within the multi-part diary study the focus lies on the quantity of contact between the leader and employee and the medium used for this contact. Not only does the study inform us on how inclusion relates to contact with leaders, but also on how inclusion relates to contact with coworkers, and to what extent the two have distinctive benefits for inclusion. Finally, this study also provides us with insights into how relationships between contact with leaders, contact with coworkers, and inclusion develop over time, all while considering different communication media.
Wieke Knol, M.Sc., is a PhD student at Radboud University, Behavioural Science Institute. Her research interests mainly revolve around leadership, inclusion, employee wellbeing, and hybrid work.