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Involving the crowd in innovation work

Researchers Involved

Prof. Dr. Anja Schulze

M.A. Sebastian Niederberger

research areas

online experiments
open innovation


2020 - 2022

Involving the crowd in innovation work

Increasingly practitioners use crowds on digital platforms during the innovation process within firms.

This project focuses on the identification and verification of the boundary conditions for successfully using crowds in the process of idea evaluation and market forecasting.



Increasingly practitioners use crowds on digital platforms during the innovation process within firms. This project focuses on the identification and verification of the boundary conditions for successfully using crowds in the process of idea evaluation and market forecasting.



We address the role of thinking style and task complexity in affecting the performance of crowds while evaluating innovation outcomes (e.g. newly launched products). Insights from our research will help firms and especially R&D managers to understand how to leverage crowds and open firm boundaries by better understanding forecasting and evaluation processes for the purpose of predicting and selecting new ideas, products and services.



This project conducts a set of online experiments that uses scenarios and tasks that are based on real-world data.